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Sparks: Live at UCLA
Feb 16, 2009, 10:13 PM | by Michael Kochman Categories: Concert Reviews, Music It was a subversive Valentine''s Day love-fest for L.A.''s very own Sparks, playing a rare U.S. concert on Saturday at UCLA''s Royce Hall. Why subversive? Well, along with Morrissey and Stephin Merritt''s The Magnetic Fields, Sparks is the band most likely to make you smile with their witty and biting songs about the mysteries of wooing and bedding the opposite sex. Sparks, the Energizer Bunny of pop acts after 21 albums and 35+ years in the business, consists of brothers Ron and Russell Mael. Ron is the oddball, visionary composer and keyboardist with the John Waters-thin moustache, while Russell is the front man to rival Queen''s Freddie Mercury in energy and falsetto power. They are also on a bit of a roll. Last year, the band played all 21 of their albums on 21 consecutive nights in an historic U.K. tour. Sparks devoted the entire first half of the Saturday show to the band''s new album, Exotic Creatures of the Deep, which continues the form of Sparks'' previous two CDs, Lil'' Beethoven and Hello Young Lovers (rock with a very theatrical edge). More Sparks dish (and clips) after the jump... Sparks has always been as much a conceptual art project as a rock band and the band''s new songs translate really well to the concert stage with the inspired and ironic interplay between the Maels and the background video projections. Highlights from the new album, performed as a mini-suite, were "Let the Monkey Drive," an ode to a fellow love-lorn kindred spirit titled "Lighten Up, Morrissey," and the exquisite "Photoshop," with its refrain, "Photoshop me out of your life!" After the intermission, the band played its landmark 1974 album Kimono My House in its entirety. As much as I loved hearing classics such as "This Town Ain''t Big Enough for the Both of Us" (see clip below), it was the new songs that ultimately impressed more. How many pop acts are still recording and performing new music that stands comparison with old hits? How many bands that were big in the ''70s can still fill a theater with so many young hipster fans who weren''t even born when Kimono was released? Sparks'' encore featured some of its best-loved songs -- "When Will I Get to Sing My Way" and the epic disco tune "The No. 1 Song in Heaven" -- and got the audience standing on its feet, giving the stuffy Royce Hall the feel of a giant club. You''ve gotta love a band that gets an entire audience to sing along joyfully to the final chorus on the brilliant, satirical "Suburban Homeboy": "Props to my peeps and please keep your receipts!" Hey, Wes Anderson! Please jettison Mark Mothersbaugh and hire the Mael Bros. to score your next movie. PopWatchers, speak up if you''re one of the few and the proud that love Sparks! Smith Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 10:32 AM EST Um...Morrissey and Stephen Merritt wooing the opposite sex? Really? Surprised you didn''t include the girl-crazy Pet Shop Boys. Vic Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 08:13 AM EST Yay, Sparks! Admittedly, I''ve got to thank Gilmore Girls for bringing this band to my attention. Love Suburban Homeboy, Angst in My Pants among others... Hello Young Lovers is a fab album. CC Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 01:35 AM EST Damn it damn it damn it! I live in Los Angeles and I had no idea about this concert! MJHSolomon Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 01:09 AM EST Finally, an Entertainment Weekly write-up about my favorite band!! Thank you!! I had a sixth-row center seat for the Royce Hall concert, and cannot begin to describe how magical this evening was. I''ve been a huge fan since 1976, have every Sparks album and -- like most Sparks fans -- believe this band is the greatest and most overlooked on the planet. However, I never had the chance to attend a Sparks concert until Saturday. This is the BEST gig I have ever seen, and one of the most euphoric experiences of my life -- honestly, I''m not exaggerating! Ron and Russell and their excellent band put on an incredible three-hour show that never faltered -- I couldn''t stop smiling and I can''t single out a favorite moment, as everything seemed a high point. The ever-engaging Russell nailed all the high notes and pranced about with boundless energy. He seemed to be having so much fun! Ron was effectively droll and hilarious. Many thanks, guys! I hope you finally get the recognition you so deserve! Gareth Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 01:05 AM EST I went to London and attended 5 out of their 21 gigs. It was incredible. On stage they are magnificent. And, yes, their work this decade has been some of their strongest yet. warped45 Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:45 AM EST The Mael brothers staying power has everything to do with the most elusive organ in pop music....brains. android Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:23 AM EST i had to laugh about your "bedding the opposite sex" comment... both morrissey and merritt are gay!LOL Sally Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:04 AM EST love love LOVE Sparks! how was the turn out? dma69 Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 11:33 PM EST One listen to "When Do I Get To Sing ''My Way''" and you will be hooked. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pvatys8vP3s |