Jenik is a painter in the tradition of such visual theorists as Gorky, Kandinsky and Motherwell. Absorbing and processing a vast range of material, from ancient languages to modern painting movements, her works convey a sense of confidence over this broad spectrum of experience
Veronika Constantine was born in Germany and came to the United States in 1970. Veronika''s work is indicative of life''s journeys: with its positives and negatives, happiness and sadness, its beauty, its harmony, its lightness and its darkness
Veronika Constantine
Four decades of experience, rich in traditional photography, journalism, photojournalism, creative writing, graphic design and computer graphics have prepared self-taught artist Charlie Morey for his latest endeavor, producing gicle prints based on computer-enhanced digital photographs
Dover Abrams hails from L.A, his untrained hand produces highly original work. His flow of colors creates a memorable experience. Dover is an emerging talent in the Los Angeles art scene
Angelina is an Italian artist who started to paint in Switzerland under the guidance of Mike Session. She first studied art at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan
Ione Citrin
Roberto del Hoyo - "My paintings balance brutal reality and complete fantasy...probably a reflection of the reality-bending experience of being Xicano in South Central Los Angeles, where life itself can be filled with disbelief, and imagination is necessary for survival"
Milton Valensia - Alive and living in Los Angeles, the motive of chaos and art