California modernizm  

In creating his landscapes, Warren Newcombe drew upon his early studio training in Boston, as well as the influence of Matisse and Dufy. It was the influence of the Modernists that moved Warren Newcombe from his early, formal style, to his better-known, more individual and anti-academic manner a style in which flat planes of color and broad, heavy outlines turn ordinary scenes into sinuous, semi-abstracted dreamscapes

Frede Vidar

Frede Vidar began his art studies as a child at the Royal Academy in his native Denmark, before moving to San Francisco with his parents. There he entered the California School of Fine Arts, and also studied at the Academie Julien and the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris, and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin

Born in San Francisco in 1913, Claibourne Randolph Tatum studied at the California School of Fine Arts in the 1930s

Louis Siegriest was born in Oakland in 1899. By age 16 he was attending the School of the Guild of California Arts and Crafts in Berkeley and had met Selden Connor Gile who - along with Siegriest, Bernard von Eichman, August Gay, Maurice Logan, and William Clapp - would comprise The Society of Six

Serisawa''s early works were romantic still lifes and portraits painted in a style influenced by classic European art

At Spencer Jon Helfen Fine Arts, California Modernism is brought to life its messages resonating just as strongly in the 21st Century as they did some 70 years ago

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