Name: Adam
Site: #
Time: Dec 3 2000

Would like to hear from Sparks fans around the world, been a fan since I was 6 (1973) fav. songs Girl from Germany, Fletcher Honarama & Madonna. also into Happy Mondays and Brighton & Hove Albion


Хотел бы получить известие от фанатов Спаркс со всего мира, я фанат с 6 лет (1973).

Mail me on any subject


Name: Frйdйric VION
From: Draveil (FRANCE)
Time: 30 nov. 2000 22.15

I'm happy to have find this site full of informations and many details. I wish to see (once more) the Mael Bros. sparkling PARIS ! ...


Я счастлив иметь полную информацию и многие детали. Я желаю видеть (еще раз) братьев Mael б, искрящихся в ПАРИЖЕ!...


See ya.


Name: Loes Martens
From: Holland
Site: none
Time: 22-11-2000

Hello dutch fans
I live in Holland and I have to make contact on PC With fans of Holland.Never will see them!(do they still excist?)
Sparks: Will see you in Cologne, I will have a cardigan on wich Russell would think it is his one.


Name: M van Moorsel again
From: Holland
Site: none
Time: 16/11/2000 15.44


Anything of sparks is welcome.

Все о Спаркс приветствуется. Пишите и звоните


call to marc van moorsel Pr Mauritsplein6
5171 EL Kaatsheuvel (hometown of the Efteling) tel 0031(0)416-281212


Name: marc van moorsel
From: holland
Site: none
Time: 16/11/2000 14.38

I eat drink sleep and even f... with sparks
i'm probbable the only fan of sparks in this bloody country
i'm sorry guys.
please come to holland and i will be there.


Я ем и сплю и даже f ... со Спаркс

Я, возможно, единственный болельщик Спаркс в этой проклятой стране

мне жаль, парни.

Пожалуйста приезжайте в Голландию, и я буду там.

keep up the good work.


Name: BJ
From: earth
Site: none
Time: the top of the hour

After watching the video of "Velvet Goldmine" I started playing some of my favorite cassette tapes from the mid 70s again after years of not listening to them. Sparks was always one of my favorite groups. Their lyrics seemed so intelligent and far above the normal routine rock lyrics of love and girls.
It seems like the group Oingo Bongo wrote similar type sounds in the mid to late Sparks was ahead of everything. Maybe too far ahead as so few people seemed to ever appreciate them or know who they are now. I still recall going to see them in concert in Chicago once when they were the opening act for Patti Smith and leaving as she started playing...the ushers at the door where so surprised we were leaving then that they asked us about it and we said we were only there for Sparks and could care less about stupid old Patti Smith.


После просмотра видео "Velvet Goldmine" я начал играть некоторые из моих любимых лент середины 70-ых снова после многих лет неслушания их. Спаркс были всегда одной из моих любимых групп. Их лирика казалась настолько интеллектуальной и далеко выше нормально- обычной лирики рока о любви и девочках.

Это походит на группу Oingo, бонго написал подобное к концу 80-ых ..., так что Спаркс опередили их. Возможно они ушли слишком далеко вперед, так так немного людей оценили их или знали их. Я все еще вспоминаю концерт в Чикаго, однажды, когда они открывали актом для Патти Смит ...


Name: bob kerstein
From: L.A.
Time: 11/1/00

years ago (1973-1974) i used to be a roadie for sparks. i just wanted to say hi to ron and russ.


Годы назад (1973-1974) я имел обыкновение быть администратором разъездного театра для Спаркс. Я только хотел сказать привет Рону и Рассу.

rock and roll, it's a bitch but the kids love it!




Name: Steve Peer
From: Maine
Time: 10:30am EST

Just checking in as I saw some T. Rex stuff in Golmine and got here by mistake. Very informative and great looking site. If Sparks need a drummer or support band, please give me ring.

Steve......Puzzle Monkey


Name: Magnus Rothйn
From: Sweden
Site: none
Time: 00-10-26 20:01

It was a big surprise to see such
cool places as this site.
Im really in the swing here in heaven
to go surfing and see the best
group ever!!

Sparks is my ignition here in life!!



Name: Steven Pope
From: Atlanta, GA
Site: PopePublicity
Time: October 22, 2000 1AM

I've been a HUGE SPARKS FAN since hearing "Love Scenes" in an obscure ALABAMA Library mid 80's!


Я был ОГРОМНЫМ БОЛЕЛЬЩИКОМ СПАРКС начиная со слушания песен "Любовные сцены" в АЛАБАМСКОЙ Библиотеке 80-х!



Name: Brad VanStone
From: Cincinnati
Site: Not applicable
Time: 10-19-00 10:30 am

Since I first discovered Sparks one night when I was 18- (I'm now 44)- watching Don Kirschners Rock Concerts on TV-I was immediately caught by the Mael brothers lyrics and melodies and have been along for the ride ever since.


С тех пор как я открыл Спаркс однажды ночью, когда мне было 18-(мне теперь 44) - наблюдая Рок-Концерты Дона Киршнерса на ТВ-I , я был захвачен лирикой братьев Mael и мелодиями с тех пор.


Name: Patrice GUILLON
From: Lyon ( France )
Site: Sheila International
Time: October 17th Lyon

Sparks are one of the greatest groups ever .
their records blend creativity , clever lyrics
and tuneful melodies . I've been listening
to them since 1974 ( I am 41 ) . other musical interests
Lynsey De PAUL , Sheila (once B Devotion ), Propaganda .


Спаркс - одна из самых больших групп когда-либо существовавших. Их диски смешивают творческий потенциал, умную лирику и мелодичные мелодии. Я слушал их с 1974 (мне 41). другие музыкальные интересы: Линсеи Де Поль, Шейла, Пропаганда.

I long for live dates from SPARKS in France .


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