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Роман Полянски - самый противоречивый голливудовец. Познавший зло, он сам совершает зло над несовершеннолетней | |
Роман Полянски / Roman Polanski (1933)
Этот режиссер, сценарист, актер работает в разных странах - Великобритании, США, Италии, Франции (с 1979 - французский гражданин). В 1957 окончил (получил диплом в 1959) режиссерский факультет Лодзинской киношколы. В годы учебы снял несколько экспериментальных короткометражек, отличавшихся изысканностью стиля, склонностью к гротеску на грани сюрреалистской поэтики и пародированием популярных жанров кинематографа. Среди них: "Двое со шкафом" (Dwaj ludzie z szafa, 1957, Гран-при на МКФ в Сан-Франциско, премия на МКФ в Оберхаузене), "Толстый и худой" (Le gros et le maigre, 1961, приз на МКФ в Оберхаузене-62), "Млекопитающие" (Ssaki, 1962, Гран-при на МКФ в Туре, Гран-при на МКФ в Оберхаузене-63). В игровом кино дебютировал полнометражной лентой "Нож в воде" (Noz w wodzie, 1961, премия ФИПРЕССИ на МКФ в Венеции-62), одной из самых "стильных" польских картин 60-х годов. Она подверглась острой критике в партийной печати, и Полански, осознав невозможность какой-либо работы в Польше, в 1963 уехал на Запад. Международную славу ему принесли психоаналитическая драма "Отвращение" (Repulsion, 1965, премия на МКФ в Западном Берлине-65), изысканные пародии на триллеры и фильмы ужасов - "Тупик" (Cul-De-Sac, 1966, главная премия на МКФ в Западном Берлине-66) и "Неустрашимые убийцы вампиров"/"Бал вампиров" (The Fearless Vampire Killers Or: Pardon Me, But Your Teeth Are In My Neck, 1967), мистическая драма "Ребенок Розмари" (Rosemary''s Baby, 1968, премия "Давид" Донателло"-69), "Макбет" (Macbeth, 1971, по У. Шекспиру), классический "крутой" американский детектив "Китайский квартал" (Chinatown, 1974, премия "Золотой глобус" за режиссуру), "Жилец" (Le locataire, 1976), "Тесс" (Tess, 1979, по Т. Гарди, премии "Сезар" за фильм и режиссуру), "Пираты" (Pirates, 1986), "Неистовый" (Frantic, 1987), "Горькая луна" (Lune De Fiel, 1992), "Смерть и Дева" (1995). В своих картинах Поляньски использует элементы практически всех жанров популярного кинематографа, в большинстве случаях сохраняя ироническую дистанцию от первоисточника, а временами доводя его до абсурда. Как актер, снимался в большинстве своих фильмов. Поставил также ряд оперных и театральных спектаклей в Польше, ФРГ, Франции, Италии. Опубликовал автобиографическую книгу "Роман Романа" (1983).
Nationality: Polish. Born: Paris, 18 August 1933. Education: Krakow Liceum Sztuk Plastycznych (art school), 1950–53; State Film School, Lodz, 1954–59. Family: Married 1) actress Barbara Kwiatkowska, 1959 (divorced 1961); 2) actress Sharon Tate, 1968 (died 1969); 3) actress Emmanuelle Seigner, 1989. Career: Returned to Poland, 1936; actor on radio and in theatre, from 1945, and in films, from 1951; joined filmmaking group KAMERA as assistant to Andrzej Munk, 1959; directed first feature, Knife in the Water, 1962, denounced by Polish Communist Party chief Gomulka, funding for subsequent films denied, moved to Paris, 1963; moved to London, 1964, then to Los Angeles, 1968; wife Sharon Tate and three friends murdered in Bel Air, California, home by members of Charles Manson cult, 1969; opera director, from 1974; convicted by his own plea of unlawful sexual intercourse in California, 1977; committed to a diagnostic facility, Department of Correction; upon completion of study, returned to Paris; also stage actor and director. Awards: Silver Bear, Berlin Film Festival, for Repulsion, 1965; Golden Bear, Berlin Festival, for Cul-de-Sac, 1966; Cйsar Award, for Tess, 1980. Address: Lives in Paris.
New U.S. Release
Polanski Unauthorized
(By TODD MCCARTHYR ead other reviews about this film)
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''Polanski Unauthorized'' takes a lurid look at the filmmaker''s tale.
An Amadeus Pictures presentation. Produced by Damian Chapa, Edmund Druilhet, Silvia Suvadora. Executive producers, Sara Sanchez, Michael Chapa, Octavio Armando Ortega. Co-producer, Melissa Mullins. Directed by Damian Chapa. Screenplay, Chapa, Carlton Holder.
With: Damian Chapa, Tom Druilhet, Leah Grimsson, Brienne De Beau, Silvia Suvadora, Paul Saunders, Elena Talan, Jeff McCreedie, Charles Berg, Gilbert Azzafrani, Kevin De Ridder, Monica Ramon, Christian Serritiello, Charles Power, Kerry Winchester.
Roman Polanski won''t lose any sleep over "Polanski Unauthorized," a basement tape-quality slum through the most famously traumatic episodes in a sensation-riddled life. Straight-to-DVD auteur Damian Chapa invested little money, and less talent, in depicting the subject''s escape from the Nazis, flirtation with devil worship on "Rosemary''s Baby," relationship with Sharon Tate and arrest for raping a 13-year-old girl, moments from all of which are shuffled together almost at random. With production values no better than homemade porn -- most scenes are played in front of drapes -- and dialogue that makes you feel sorry for the actors, this Friday the 13th Los Angeles vanity release isn''t even fun in a bad-movie way. Paying customers will feel gypped
Too tall and too thick through the middle to play Polanski, Chapa does have something of the horny ferret about him that convinces on that level. Sight of Polanski coming on to the underaged model while plying her with drugs and drink is particularly gross, while representations of Frank Sinatra (mulling breaking Polanski''s legs) and early producers Gene Gutowski and Martin Ransohoff are ultra-ludicrous.
More than one option(Person) Armando Ortega
(Person) Armando Ortega
Background Artist
(Person) Armando Ortega
Logger, Looping CoordinatorMore than one option(Person) Paul Saunders
Actor, Carpenter, Construction Foreman
(Person) Paul Saunders
DriverMore than one option(Person) Gene Gutowski
Co-Producer, Producer, Screenplay
(Person) Gene Gutowski
Camera (color, video), Pierre Chemaly; editor, Keita Ideno; music, Mark B. Buys, Vladimir Martinka; production designers, Madla Hruza, Lode Geens; costume designer, Hruza. Reviewed on DVD, Los Angeles, Feb. 7, 2009. English, French, German dialogue. MPAA Rating: R. Running time: 89 MIN.
Chapa has completed production of Polanski, the unauthorized story of Roman Polanski, which Chapa co-wrote and directed in addition to playing the lead role. It will be released on February 13, 2009, in theatres.
PRLog (Press Release) – Jan 29, 2009 – Los Angeles - The first biopic about the life of Director Roman Polanski will be released February Friday the13th, and will run three weeks in selected cinemas in Hollywood. A monumental day for a revealing film that one critic describes as “a chilling portrait of one of the most controversial figures in the history of movies.”
Spanning four decades, the film covers everything from a turbulent childhood in war torn Poland, the murder of his wife Sharon Tate by the infamous Charles Manson cult and the infamous rape case that lead to Polanski’s exile to avoid incarceration by escaping to and maintaining residence in Europe.
Considering the current legal disputes, it is unlikely Polanski will be in attendance, but for the rest you, as a popular critic put it, “Check it out – you’ll thank me later."
This is a film Hollywood does not want you to see, but must be seen to be believed.
"Polanski Unauthorized" is directed by and stars Damian Chapa who is famous for his lead role in Taylor Hackford’s cult classic "Blood in Blood Out" as well as "Under Siege" starring Steven Seagal released by Warner Brothers.
The screening of "Polanski Unauthorized" will be at the Laemmle’s Sunset 5, 800 Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood 90046. The screening will commence at 7:00 pm and will benefit the ‘Children’s Defense League’ F.T.G Foundation. A cocktail party will follow the screening and a meet and greet with exclusive interviews available with Damian Chapa.
The main cast includes: Damian Chapa (Roman Polanski), Leah Grimsson (13 year old Girl), Thomas Druilhet (The Devil), Brienne De Beau (Sharon Tate), Silvia Suvadova (Polanski’s Mother), Christian Serritiello (Polanski’s Father) and Paul James Saunders (Eugene Gatowski)
“A movie to cause talk, raise eyebrows, rattle cages and have Hollywood insiders blow their stacks!”
Robert Osborne, The Hollywood Reporter
“A chilling portrait of one of the most controversial figures in the history of movies.”
Terry Keffe, The Hollywood Interview
“Chapa does and excellent job as the lead. Standout performances included Christian Serritiello as Polanski’s father and Paul James Saunders as Polanski’s financier.”
Christopher J. Baca, Entertainment Weekly for El Paso
Polanski (2009)/Director: Damian Chapa
Polanski (2008) - Trailer
Roman Polanski bio and filmography
Авторское кино
Polanski Unauthorized |